No applicants for Winter Game 2025 yet

The fifth winter game in German ice hockey on Saturday in Cologne was a success. But it is still uncertain whether the next open-air event will take place as planned.

“The game should take place as scheduled in the 2025 season, but so far there have been no applicants,” said Gernot Tripcke, Managing Director of the German Ice Hockey League (DEL), after the 4: 2 (2: 0, 2: 1, 0: 1 ) victory of the Kölner Haie against the Adler Mannheim.

40,163 spectators saw the event, which is supposed to bring the sport out of its niche every two years since 2013, in the Cologne World Cup stadium. The role model is the North American professional league NHL, which has been rebelling against the overwhelming sports of football, baseball and basketball with the annual Winter Classic on New Year’s Day since 2008.

The hosts Kölner Haie, the DEL and the numerous partners such as sponsors, TV stations and the city had also defied the disappointments of two cancellations due to the pandemic (January 9th, 2021 and January 1st, 2022). Live music from Cologne, fire fountains before and during the game as well as a gigantic light show and opulent fireworks at the end delighted the winners, losers and spectators alike.

“The Winter Game should be a beacon,” said Haie Managing Director Philipp Walter and Captain Moritz Müller said: “The atmosphere was great, the fireworks and Kölle singing – you don’t forget that. It was advertising for ice hockey, we did our homework .”

Cologne was the host of the event for the second time after 2019, according to Gernot Tripcke “change would be good”. But he could also imagine another time in the cathedral city. “But first of all, someone has to apply,” said Tripcke.
