No agreement expected on Monday in consultation on the asylum law. Prime Minister Rutte still has to convince VVD faction

The coalition factions will also not reach an agreement on Monday about the law that regulates that asylum seekers are better distributed among municipalities, insiders expect. This would mean that the deadline set by the mayors in the Security Council will not be met.

The coalition factions will also not reach an agreement on Monday about the law that regulates that asylum seekers are better distributed among municipalities, insiders expect. This would mean that the deadline set by the mayors in the Security Council will not be met. Negotiations about this are not going smoothly because the VVD group has difficulty with municipalities being forced to receive asylum seekers.

Rutte must persuade VVD faction

Prime Minister Rutte is called in to convince the VVD faction regarding the asylum deal. That is what sources say to the NOS. Rutte, who is also a party leader in addition to being prime minister, will attend the meeting of the parliamentary party of the VVD in the House of Representatives tomorrow.

State Secretary Eric van der Burg (Asylum) tried in vain last weekend to persuade the faction of his party VVD with a new proposal. He hoped to be ahead of the Monday ultimatum of the mayors in the Security Council. Chairman Hubert Bruls, mayor of Nijmegen, has previously said that mayors ‘discuss seriously whether they can continue to play a role in this subject’ if the deadline is not met.

Security Council postponed to Tuesday evening

The meeting of the Security Council of the 25 mayors has been postponed from Monday to Tuesday evening, so that Van der Burg can join the online meeting. The agreement should then be on the table, says a spokesperson for the council. The deadline, he said, was the next meeting, which was on November 7, but has now been moved to November 8. If there is still no agreement on the asylum law on Tuesday evening, the mayors will discuss what they will do.

The other parties in the coalition D66, CDA and ChristenUnie are in favor of eventually forcing municipalities to arrange reception centers if they continue to refuse to do so. The cabinet also prefers that line. The VVD sees more benefit in rewarding municipalities if they cooperate.
