‘No A-star of caliber Wendy van Dijk’

De Slimste Mens has revealed a number of names of celebrities participating in the new season, but that is a bit disappointing. “They are not names like Wendy van Dijk.”


The new season of the mega hit De Slimste Mens will start in two weeks and in the very first episode swimming champion Ranomi Kromowidjojo, TV journalist Tom Kleijn and tattoo king Henk Schiffmacher will battle each other. Some names of well-known Dutch people who will appear later in the series have also been revealed.

“Where’s Wendy?”

These include musical actress Nandi van Beurden, BBB policy officer Femke Wiersma, football analyst Kees Kwakman, radio presenter Ghislaine Plag, BinnensteBuiten expert Leon Mazairac, presenter Dwight van van de Vijver, sexologist Eveline Stallaart, singer Froukje and cartoonist Jeroom.

Jordi Versteegden, star reporter for De Telegraaf, is disappointed. “I’m looking at this year’s line-up and I think: where are the real celebrities? Where are the Wendy van Dijks of this world?” he says in the podcast Strictly Private.

cheat sheets

Private boss Evert Santegoeds: “That’s not too bad, isn’t it? They start with…”

Jordi: “Yes, Henk Schiffmacher is participating. Yes, okay, that’s a celebrity…”

Evert: “He does have a lot of cheat sheets on his arm.”

Jordi: “Eveline Stallaart is participating, the sexologist. We also have the youngest participant: Froukje, a singer. I didn’t know her very well yet, she is 21 years old.”

Robert Kemps

Evert: “Many people have also become famous because of De Slimste Mens. Think of a Stefano Keizers, so yes…”

Jordi: “Yes, also think of Rob Kemps among others. He actually became even more famous because of that program.”

Evert: “Well, everyone can participate in De Slimste Mens, but not everyone will.”

Jordi: “Would Thomas Berge be someone who could participate in De Slimste Mens?”

Evert doesn’t want to

Evert emphatically does not want to participate in De Slimste Mens. “It was always during my vacation. Every year they called and it’s always the same period that they record it and then there was also a winter edition. I asked the questions once and then I was done with it.”

He concludes: “Just stop with that Maarten van Rossem. He seems to be sitting there oracles to infinity. I wouldn’t take that long either, I think, because I don’t like him that much at all.
