NMBS wil train 10 percent duurder maken

The price increase is based on an indexing of the tickets with 8.73 percent plus another 1 percent point for the retention of stiptheidsdoelstellingen: 9.73 percent in total. The payment of the fee for the subscription.

Forfaitaire tickets such as Youth and Senior stijgen minder fors. The tariffs of the NMBS-deel in the general public exchange card City Pass in Antwerp and Gent are higher than the sea, with 12.5 percent.

Energy crisis and loonindexering

The NMBS was hit because of the energy crisis. 90 percent of the sea over 3,800 trips on the dagelijks rijden, does that with electrical aandrijving. This is done by the NMBS with the distance from the largest power plant in the country. Terwijl de NMBS in 2020 123 million euros betaalde for elektriciteit, for that that year oplopen tot 223 million and following year to 432 million.

There comes a time when the NMBS meets 18,000 works that still exist and the largest works in the country are considered to have been faced with an estimated cost of the indexing of the islands. This costs the next year 165 million euros.

Involved coronacrisis

Electricity and personel tekenen voor bijna een half a million euros extra costs for the spoorwegmaatschappij. That comes at a great moment. The NMBS got another corona crisis, which left the hair with a financieel of 1 million euros opzadelde. Tegelijk staan ​​de passengerscijfers nog altijd not op pre-corona level, waardoor de inkomsten achterblijven.

The NMBS has taken all the besparingsmaatregelen, because the zijn not more then a druppel op a hete plaat, shows De Tijd. Also the planned tariff processing biedt may be perkt soelaas. The delivery is carried out at a rate of 70 million euros extra income op.

There is also a court on the Wetstraat and on the Minister of Mobility Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo). Begin by deze maand stelde hij voor het location btw-tariff van 6 per cent op treinkaartjes te schrappen, a rule that costs 100 million zou.
