NK beer tapping in the RAI: ​​”Really a serious sport”

You would think that pouring a beer would be easy. But they think differently about this at the Dutch Beer Tapping Championship. In the RAI, 49 participants compete for the coveted title: best beer tapper in the Netherlands. The tappers are assessed on various points during tapping and serving. The winner can call themselves the best beer tapper in the country.

“It looks simpler than it ultimately is,” says Hans van Veen. Who talks everything together during the match. Several aspects are important for the perfect beer. Glasses must be rinsed well, the height of the foam must be good, but most importantly a smile while serving.

Kris Gerrits, reigning beer tapping champion, is on the jury this edition. “It really is a serious sport. Today we are really determining who is the best beer tapper in the Netherlands this year. Then you have to judge seriously,” he says from his jury chair. Yet many people will also think: ‘It’s just a beer’, but a visitor does not agree with that. “Drawing a good beer takes just as much energy as pouring a bad beer, right,” he says, laughing. “So why not just pour a nice beer?”

Ultimately, bartender Ramon de Klein from Winssen went home with the cup.
