Nitrogen plan not adjusted after rejection of VVD members

VVD minister Christianne van der Wal (Nature and Nitrogen) will not adjust her nitrogen plan, now that a small majority of VVD members have indicated that the plan goes too far.

The minister said this after a vote was taken on a motion at the VVD congress. The motion states that the cabinet is sacrificing farmers and that outdated measuring methods are being used. The motion was submitted by VVD alderman Mirjam Pauwels from Assen and the South Holland States member Mirjam Nelisse.

According to the minister, it is up to the House of Representatives to enforce any adjustments through the debate on the cabinet plan. During the conference, Van der Wal heard a lot of concerns about the impact of the plan for farmers. “We are looking for a balance between economy and nature and that has come back in the discussion.”

She understands very well that there is misunderstanding about the plan. “It is a very complicated task. It is almost impossible to explain to people what the problem is, why we have to solve it and why it can only be done this way.”
