Nitrogen dossier may be a topic of discussion tomorrow in the current debate in the Flemish Parliament

Nitrogen dossier may be a topic of discussion tomorrow in the current debate in the Flemish Parliament

But majority parties N-VA, Open Vld and CD&V propose to organize the debate on Tuesday, so that in the meantime all parties have the opportunity to view the new draft memorandum on the nitrogen dossier.

The Extended Bureau of the Flemish Parliament, in other words the political administration of the parliament, will soon have to make an official decision.

“Buy Time”

According to Vlaams Belang party leader Chris Janssens, the majority’s proposal is “a way to buy time”. “This is the biggest crisis ever faced by a Flemish government. It would be totally illogical for parliament not to meet today,” says Janssens.

He may want to urge parliament chairperson Liesbeth Homans to convene parliament on her own initiative.

Vooruit party leader Hannelore Goeman also does not want to accept a postponement until tomorrow. “We continue to insist on today. If they can make statements in the media, then also in parliament,” she told Belga.

Groen, who already insisted on a meeting of parliament in the night from Sunday to Monday, is also pushing for a session today. “The government is now in crisis, today. So it is also today that there should be a crisis meeting of parliament. Postponing only means longer uncertainty for our nature and our farmers,” says party leader Björn Rzoska.
