Nitrogen crisis: province has a tough job to do to achieve goals

The uncertainty for farmers remains. If they had hoped that the House of Representatives would rescue them from their sleepless nights, they were disappointed. The House was deeply divided on Thursday during the parliamentary debate about the plans to reduce nitrogen emissions. All eyes are now on the province, which must draw up an implementation plan in the coming year. But how are things there?

The anger among the farmers about these nitrogen plans is enormous. This became apparent on Wednesday when tens of thousands of farmers demonstrated against it in Stroe, Gelderland. Just under two weeks ago, the cabinet presented the long-awaited plans to reduce nitrogen emissions.

Nitrogen emissions must be drastically reduced around nature reserves. Unfeasible, according to many farmers. The province now has to figure out how to achieve those goals. She has until 1 July 2023 to come up with a plan, which must specify exactly how the assignment from The Hague will be fulfilled.

The largest party in Brabant, the VVD, recognizes that the assignment is difficult, but it does stick to the ultimate goal: a 50% reduction in nitrogen. At the VVD congress on 11 June, party leader Wilma Dirken said she wanted to let go of the ‘ticket’ and decide for herself how to achieve this halving. “At least by buying out fewer farmers than might be thought in the country now.”

Voters walk away
The CDA is also in a difficult position. Voters run away to the BoerBurgerBeweging of Caroline van der Plas, who has already said she will participate in the Provincial Council elections. Having to implement a policy that will hit the agricultural sector in Brabant hard in any case hurts. In December 2019, the CDA gave in to the pressure of protesting farmers on the sidewalk of the provincial house. The college fell. Now it has been solemnly promised not to let that happen again.

Deputy Ronnes (CDA) emphasizes that Brabant “is not just at the beginning”. Major innovation projects have already been initiated in recent years. For example, livestock farmers must have applied for a new permit before 1 January 2024 to build an emission-free barn.

Completely unacceptable
A minority of JA21, BVNL, PVV and Forum for Democracy is firmly against the assignment. “We believe that all the fuss about nitrogen is only the result of legislation,” says De Bie (BVNL). “The draconian measures proposed by the cabinet and the policy of the province that are in line with them are therefore unnecessary and therefore completely unacceptable.”

Willem Rutjens (JA21) shares the same opinion. He not only criticizes the Dutch nitrogen standard, which is much stricter than in the surrounding countries. He also believes that we cannot rely on scientific calculations, but that we can only really talk about nitrogen precipitation if it has been measured on site.

Water and Nitrates Directive
Local Brabant also advocates a measurement system throughout Brabant, so that nitrogen emissions and precipitation are no longer fodder for discussion. There are also concerns. “There will be a Water Framework Directive and a Nitrate Framework Directive. Why don’t we immediately take that into account? There is a lack of cohesion and we as Local Brabant want to ensure that additional measures are needed in the future. tackle everything at once and in coherence.”

GroenLinks supports the nitrogen goals of the cabinet, just like the PvdA, D66 and PvDD. “Nitrogen emissions in Brabant have to be reduced significantly to improve nature. Now it is necessary to make plans how we are going to achieve these goals in Brabant,” says Tom Ludwig (GL).

There is also frustration. That there are plans for nitrogen reduction in agriculture, but that the industry will not be confronted with this until much later. The minister hopes to have more clarity about this in January.

There is therefore a majority in the Provincial Council for implementing the plans of the cabinet. That will have to be, because if the province does not come up with something itself, the minister has said; then I do it, and a decision is made in favor of Brabant.


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