Nitrogen crisis: Farmers Defense Force warns of major farmer actions

The government’s goals for a drastic reduction in nitrogen emissions represent an “unrealistic clear-cut”. Agricultural and horticultural organization LTO Nederland has announced this. Minister Christianne van der Wal (Nature and Nitrogen) sent guiding objectives per area to the House of Representatives on Friday.

These are drastic for farmers in particular. According to these targets, emissions in Noord-Brabant, the Gelderse Vallei and Limburg must be reduced by more than half. In protected natural areas, emissions must even be reduced by at least 95 percent, and in the ring around these areas by 70 percent.

According to the RIVM, 45 percent of nitrogen precipitation comes from the agricultural sector. In some areas, many farmers will have to leave or have to significantly reduce their emissions in some other way. “The cabinet’s proposals represent an unrealistic clear-cut. Of the countryside, of farmers and horticulturists, but also of nature,” said LTO Nederland chairman Sjaak van der Tak in a statement. “Despite a few empathetic words, we mainly see dictations from above, against the agreements in the coalition agreement. That will not work.”

According to Van der Tak, the news hits hard. “We have lobbied intensively in the interests of our members. However, we conclude that too little has been done with the broadly supported, realistic proposals that we have made with sector parties and other organizations. LTO Nederland is currently drawing a line for the government: We can’t help with this.”

LTO Nederland also says that the cabinet is getting stuck in a legal quagmire of unworkable standards. “The responsibility is placed in the shoes of the provinces. Moreover, the impasse that this creates does not help nature. That is such a shame, especially because widely supported, realistic proposals have been made by farmers, nature and business organizations.”
