Ninja Sarasalo and Yoshiki Tamura – split

Ninja Sarasalo tells Kotiliede that the couple divorced by mutual consent.

Ninja Sarasalo and Yoshiki Tamura opened the knots of their relationship recently also in the Elämä pelille program. Matti Matikainen

Former top model Ninja Sarasalo and Yoshiki Tamura have broken up.

It turns out From the home stove, in whose interview Ninja says that the whole family first moved to Karjalohja. A job was found for Yoshiki in an electrical company and for Ninja in the kitchen of Sammat’s steiner school.

It was a dream come true after the hard entrepreneurship and burnout in the restaurant industry. However, after the move, the couple broke up.

– It’s pretty horrible. But it had to happen, says Ninja in an interview with Kotiliede.

According to Kotiliede, Ninja was the initiator of the breakup. There were big things in the background: Ninja’s beloved grandmother had died unexpectedly, and not long ago Yoshiki’s father died. Ninja himself turned forty.

Ninja began to work on the past. She began to gain strength from daring to see herself as she is, including all her bad sides.

Despite the breakup, Ninja and Yoshiki are on good terms:

– Now we have wonderful communication with the children’s father, for the first time. We’re talking about feelings. My biggest stumbling block has been that I couldn’t talk about difficult things, says Ninja in Kotiliede.

Ninja now lives with his children, two dogs, ducks and chickens in Fiskars.

Ninja and Yoshiki got married in the summer of 2013. They have sons born in 2009 and 2019.

Ilta-Sanom Ninja says that the breakup happened in the spring. Officially, however, the couple is still married, as the divorce application has not been submitted to the district court.

Ninja Sarasalo in an interview with Iltalehti in 2017.
