Nine injured when a tree breaks at a school in Barcelona in the middle of a storm Ciarán

The fall of a tree has caused injuries of varying degrees to seven minors and two adults inside the 30 Passos school, in Barcelona. The specimen, located on the sidewalk next to the center, broke in half this Thursday afternoon, coinciding with class dismissal time, crushed part of the fence and collapsed on the patio.

He Emergency Medical Service (SEM) reports that four minors have required treatment in two hospitals in Barcelona. Three have been evacuated to the Sant Pau Hospital: one of them has been diagnosed in less serious condition and the other two suffer minor injuries. Another minor has been treated for also minor bruises in Vall d’Hebron. In addition, the two adults who have suffered injuries have been transferred in less serious condition to Sant Pau.

Six units have traveled to the scene of the accident. Subsequently, a brigade came to remove the fallen tree.

“It has bordered the tragedy because the first class was already waiting at the point where the fall occurred and the families were beginning to enter,” a witness explains to EL PERIÓDICO. He adds that the first aid They have been dispensed by family members of the students, with the presence of a pharmacist, and that the response of the Urban Police, the Firefighters and the ambulance has been “fast”.

The Generalitat has activated an alert due to the danger of strong spells of wind in a large part of Catalonia, including the capital, due to the Ciarán storm. For its part, Barcelona City Council has activated the basic municipal emergency plan for blizzards in the alert phase.

Hours before the event at the Sagrera school, another tree collapsed in Barcelona. It happened on Viladomat street, in Eixample, without causing any injuries. Even more, this afternoon a plane tree broke and collapsed on a terrace on Gaudí Avenue. At the time of the accident, no one was sitting and no personal injuries were reported.

Christmas lights fall

It is not the only incident that the temporary has starred in Barcelona in the last few hours. Part of the Christmas lightswhich are beginning to settle in the city, have collapsed in the Gran Via, at the height of Passeig de Gràcia. No personal injury has been inflicted.

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The incident has forced the closure of the metro station located on Pau Claris Street for part of the afternoon, reports Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB). The Urban Guard has moved three vehicles and the Firefighterstwo others.

The landslide has forced to cut the traffic at the intersection of Passeig de Gràcia and Gran Via. It has caused some traffic jams and has altered the circulation of a dozen bus lines during the afternoon.
