Nina Zilli and the new love for Daniele Lazzarin

No.ina Zilli is back with a new single from the title Munsta. An exaltation of transformation, a theme that she knows well since she always takes on new work adventures. From his first novel (The last of sevenRizzoli), released a few months ago, up to numerous television experiences, Maria Chiara Fraschetta (this is his real name) has always made transformation its trademark.

But not in lovelinked as it is from 2019 to Dantiborn Daniele Lazzarin.

The relationship between Nina Zilli and Danti: “We are two forgetful Paperoga running fast”

“With Dany I really hope it’s forever. We speak the same language. And if it is true that doing the same job never comes off, it’s nice to always have someone you love by your side. Waking up close to him makes me feel at home even in the hotel», Explained the singer-songwriter in an interview with Confidences.

Dany calls me Chiara, not Nina. Indeed, she almost always calls me “Amoor”. I am chaotic and he is not very pragmatic. In short: we are two forgetful Paperoga running fastHe continued with his usual irony.

The two have no children, but there is a lot of movement in the house. «They are also part of the family two dachshunds: Mojita he is 10 years old and was already Daniele’s dog. While Lucio Dalla we took it together. They give us so much happiness. I’m our pet therapy“.

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A new album at the end of the year. And then?

L’42-year-old artist finally confessed: “My new album will be released at the end of the year. Then I’d like to go back to TV ». Nina has in mind what she would like to do: «It would be nice to conduct one of those wonderful, classic, old-fashioned varieties. Here I’m Studio One? Here you are, I would do it again tomorrow“.

