Nina Tapio found a new love

In an interview with Me Naisten, singer Nina Tapio tells how she found her new partner and what she has learned in a new relationship.

Nina Tapio has found a new love. INKA SOVERI

Musician Nina Tapio, 50, met her current partner last summer. Tapio talks about his new relationship in Me Naiset magazine.

Tapio divorced her husband Reijo from Kontio in 2020. Tapio says in a recent interview that after the breakup he “went on some dates”. The chemistries just didn’t match on a mental or physical level.

It was different when he met his current partner.

– I was impressed by his way of thinking about things and facing them, as well as his interest in his loved ones and his relationship with work. It also brought a good feeling when he already talked about his child on the first date. Family is important to both of us, Tapio says.

Tapio says he still hesitated. He wondered if the pieces could fall into place like this.

– At this age, we are all our own personalities with our own history. When I was younger, life could go in any direction, but at this point I have, for example, two ex-husbands in my life. We still all live quite close to each other, so the man must have a lot of understanding to understand my pattern.

Based on a month of dating, Tapio was convinced that this was worth sticking with. The couple have their own apartments, but they spend a lot of time at each other’s homes.

Tapio says that he has learned new things in his new relationship.

– In this regard, I have also learned to speak differently. I shut down easily in difficult matters. My husband sees it quickly, asks me to talk and makes sure nothing is left unsaid. In a relationship, it’s good that things are discussed and not swept under the rug. Otherwise, at some point the carpet is so chubby that you can’t walk on it, says Tapio.

Nina Tapio told about herself by taking sentences out of the box and continuing them.

Source: We women
