Nina Mikkonen’s new career takeover: Studying to be a death doula

Nina Mikkonen, who arrived at Myrskyluoto’s Maija invitation evening, told Iltalehte that she had started death doula studies.

Hairdresser Nina Mikkonen told Iltalehte about his new career direction. Maija of Myrskyluoto Mikkonen, who participated in the invited guests evening of the movie, revealed that he had started his death doula studies.

– I have become a student in addition to my own job. I will be a death doula.

Mikkonen arrived at the premiere of his friend Kati Kaarilan with. Mikkonen tells Kaarila that she is helping him make his dream brighter.

Mikkonen is studying to become a death doula through Lohtu Academy. This is a new field of education in Finland.

– I believe that I have the skills and competence for that task, Mikkonen reflects.

Nina Mikkonen arrived at Myrskyluoto Maija’s invited guest evening with her friend Kati Kaarila. Rosa Bröijer

Finnish Doulas – website states that death doulas have been trained in Finland since 2023. The goal of a death doula is to help a person have a dignified and self-respecting death.

Nina Mikkonen became a widow in 2017. She acted as her husband, a journalist Timo TA Mikkonen as a caregiver in the years before his death.

Timo TA Mikkonen had several cerebral infarctions as a result of a cranial artery blockage in October 2011 and was permanently disabled. Nina Mikkonen acted as her husband’s caregiver until his death in 2017. INKA SOVERI
