Nina Mikkonen has always encouraged her children to realize their dreams

Nina and Mikael Mikkonen say that although they now live at different addresses, the mother and son have not become invisible to each other.

Nina Mikkonen states that the years as a mother have rolled out very quickly. ATTE KAJOVA

Entrepreneur and media personality Nina Mikkonen, 57, has always encouraged her sons, Michael and About Matthiasseize the opportunity and boldly take a moment.

– In our family, if where, we have learned that life is short and unpredictable. Nothing in life is as certain as it is uncertain. That’s why Carpe diem, take a moment. That’s how memories are created and that’s how I think life is worth living. Not with the lights off, Nina says.

It was Mikael’s new project that enabled him to show off his skills as a singer. The 20-year-old starred in a promotional video for the car company, filmed in a rock-anthem style. Rock has always been close to Michael’s heart.

– I’m kind of like to throw myself into everything, he sums up.

Music has always been close to Mikael Mikkonen’s heart. High school studies focused on piano, guitar and bass. Jussi Arhinmäki

In the Mikkosta family, children have always been encouraged to play music, and everyone in the family has tried their hand at singing. Music was also strongly present in Michael’s studies and he wrote this spring as a student in the music department at Sibelius High School. Instead of singing, the studies focused on different instruments: piano, guitar and bass.

– The only problem was that I had to go to school at times like this. It limited how we got to perform and train. There was little training left in front of the webcam, Mikael sighs, referring to the corona pandemic.

During the corona, I also noticed that there is no musical bread work in any way. There has to be some other civilian profession that doesn’t get to the unleavened table, he ponders.

Nina is pleased that Mikael, who wrote the six materials, has inherited her father, Timo TA Mikkonenreading head.

– Mikael got a really great certificate. In that sense, it can be said to be the son of his father. Fortunately, Michael has received his gift of intelligence and reading. I am terribly happy and grateful that Mikael himself is so conscientious and ambitious, things are not done half-heartedly, Nina sums up her son’s high school years.

Mikael moved to his own earlier this year and in July he will step into the Army Grays.

– Surprisingly, it didn’t feel so strange to live here on the other side of the road. My own peace I wouldn’t trade away anymore, Mikael smiles.

Mikael is a recent student. Nina’s mother rejoices in the good testimony her son has received. Nina Mikkonen’s home album

Youtube work?

The corona pandemic also affected Nina’s mother’s life, as the challenging situation put the family’s finances tight. He says he had to resort to “the longevity of his friends.” Nina’s everyday life is currently filled with a wide variety of work projects, although not all of the work yet comes from wages. According to him, this is also part of entrepreneurship. The next dreams in the field of work are already clear.

Even though the children are already young adults, Nina says the family is close to doing things together. One mother and son project is the recently established Youtube channel The Mikkoset, which also features Michael’s song.

– Yes, it’s a dream if you ever get a job at Youtube. I think we have material that is guaranteed to be of interest to a larger audience. We make content from end to end but as a rule, we want to entertain and tell things from a positive angle, Nina talks.

The mother and sons also meet regularly for a “Sunday lunch”.

– We already live separately with Mikael, but we have not become invisible to each other. It’s nice to hear what happened to the youth as we gather to eat. Matias already has his own expenses, Nina says.

What kind of thoughts have the mother aroused with the children’s independence?

– It’s one of life’s stages. So it has to go that we parents become unnecessary when children start to stand on their own two feet. Yes, it wonders where the years went. It’s a glimpse and suddenly we’re in a situation where the boys are already wearing the gray of the army.

– It felt awful when Mikael last closed the door and went to his own home. Yes, tears rolled away, not from grief, but from longing and joy. We did it, at least I haven’t raised boys in the stern chamber.
