Niko Saarinen now responds to the singer’s dismay at Levyraad: “Stupid”

Singer Iisa Pajula was upset with the Levyraati program’s panelists’ assessment of her song.

Disc ratepanelist who worked in the third episode of the program Niko Saarinen answers the singer-songwriter Iisa Pajulan to a comment about the program.

Iisa recently said in the Threads application that he was not satisfied with the way the members of the council criticized his and Antti Aution novelty piece Nothing is enough.

– I’m apparently the only person who has had a bad feeling about the new good mood Levyraad, he wrote.

– And if you’re thinking that Learn to withstand criticism, that’s not what this is about. I have been a Finnish indie music maker by profession since 2005 (follow me). Criticism in different forms has become familiar. In this position, you find yourself in a blind spot in many situations. You can collect yourself and your pride when the streams or rankings are not enough for that or this, he continued.

Singer Iisa was not satisfied with the judges’ reviews. Jenni Gästgivar

Iltalehti caught up with radio host Saarinen, who is very surprised by Iisa’s comment about their evaluations.

– Really! I think it’s a lottery win for artists if, in a country this size, they can have their own song played on TV for 600,000 people on a Saturday night in prime time. In the program, private people known from the public comment on the songs, and then the viewers make their own decision about whether they like the music, he states.

When entering the program, Saarinen was told to be yourself and evaluate the songs based on your own experiences. He does not feel that he has criticized Iisa’s song in any harsh words.

– Absolutely not, my God! I gave it 6 points, which I think is pretty high. I didn’t condemn any song. Every Friday in Finland, a bunch of songs are released, and the fact is that not all songs resonate with me, says the presenter.

– In my opinion, even today, every person has the right to like a song or not. I think that’s completely absurd, he adds.

Niko Saarinen does not feel that he criticized Iisa’s song harshly. ATTE KAJOVA

Levyraad’s standard panelists are Väinö Karjalainen, Asko Kallonen, Mikko Kosonen and Lina Schiffer. The program is hosted by Jenni Pääskysaari. Jenni Gästgivar
