Niko Saarinen celebrates a different midsummer than before – A clear dream for next summer

For TV star and radio host Niko Saarinen, summer is the most significant time of the year.

Awarded radio host of the year, Niko Saarinen celebrates Midsummer differently than he has in many years. He hosts Midsummer on the NRJ radio channel.

– I love Midsummer and I’m wondering if I’ll accept a job, Saarinen says.

After thinking about it, he decided that this Midsummer will be spent at work.

– Until this age, I have spent Midsummer partying. At least it won’t be too bad for a three-day morgue, he laughs.

According to what he says, Saarinen is completely a summer person. There are already other kinds of dreams for next year’s Midsummer.

– Next summer’s dream is a boyfriend and a cottage Midsummer, Saarinen reveals.

There have been big feelings on the relationship front, but for now the radio host is single. Despite that, he dreams big, especially of a magical Midsummer.

Midsummer’s Eve still hasn’t been found, but Saarinen hopes for love for the coming Midsummer. Jenni Gästgivar

Saarinen’s summer includes both work and vacations. Despite the work gigs, he plans to make the most of the sunny days.

On his first longer summer vacation, Saarinen sunbathed and took a so-called summer holiday, i.e. a break from social media. It did good.

– I enjoy summer without a filter. You can sunbathe without taking a picture of it for people or loved ones, he describes with amusement a typical phenomenon of today.

Saarinen’s summer goes by its own weight between hanging out and festival gigs.

The radio host laughs that this summer he spends more time on the stages of festivals hosting than among the audience at parties. Jenni Gästgivar
