Nikko Locastro was recorded by Nokia

Nikko Locastro’s threatening behavior turned out to be expensive.

The major Frisbeegolf competition is underway at Nokia. Illustration image. JAAKKO STENROOS / AOP

In the second round of the Frisbee golf European Open held in Nokia, a special situation was proven, when the American Nikko Locastro behaved threateningly towards the competition judge.

Locastro threw, after which the referee told him that he took too much time with the execution. The judge had already given him a warning about the same thing.

Locastro walked right in front of the judge’s face and asked for the reasons for the judge’s decision.

– Step back from me, Locastro said as soon as he heard the arguments.

The two then walked a distance away from the camera, during which Locastro continued his threatening behavior.

Locastro also did not agree later to cooperate to find out the matter or even to discuss it.

Tournament Director Petri Anttiroiko decided to disqualify Locastro from the competition. According to him, Locastro was openly rude and threatening.

On Friday, Locastro published a video and a text on his personal Instagram account in which he apologized for his behavior.

Locastro underlined that there are no excuses for his behavior.

– I am extremely ashamed of what happened. I’m sorry, even if it’s not enough. I will do my best to learn from this mistake, he wrote.

– I put a lot of success pressure on myself. This was not the best representation of my character or the passion I have for this sport. I know I’ve let several people down in different ways. My family, my partners. I just couldn’t handle the 18th hole like a pro.

Frisbee golf champion Väinö Mäkelä gives tips on throwing.
