‘Nikkie Plessen’s bullshit doesn’t interest me’

Kees van der Spek really enjoys appearing in RTL Boulevard every now and then, but he finds some subjects completely meaningless. “All that happiness from Nikkie Plessen!”


The viewers of RTL Boulevard are presented with another one every day: a lengthy crime item after the first commercial break. They are commented on by types such as Clarice Stenger and Kees van der Spek. The former right-hand man of Peter R. de Vries enjoys participating in the show section, but is not a regular viewer himself.

“I care!”

In particular, Kees thinks the fashion items in the program, commented on by vanities like Arno Kantelberg and Nikkie Plessen, are really about nothing. They are meaningless, he shouts in the Weekend.

He says in the magazine: “I really enjoy working at RTL Boulevard, there is a really great atmosphere. The show news doesn’t interest me though. I don’t care, all those Hazes things. Just like fashion.”

Contentless Nikkie

The empty talks that Nikkie gives in the program often seem like a repetition of moves; many topics come up a few times every year. But it doesn’t appeal to Kees.

It’s just not interesting, he says. “I really think Nikkie Plessen is a treasure, we get along well. I always have to laugh so hard at her… But of course all that bullshit about denim or candy-pink leggings doesn’t interest me one bit. I just have to laugh at that because it doesn’t interest me. And that’s fine.”
