Nikkie Plessen does not want to respond to questions about decadent lifestyle

Nikkie Plessen did not want to respond to questions about her decadent lifestyle during the RTL Boulevard broadcast yesterday. “Oh, what a jerk you are, aren’t you?” she exclaimed.


Nikkie Plessen is only too happy to showcase her luxurious lifestyle on Instagram: we see her continuously flying to the most fashionable places. Her private jet is used so often that even a Twitter page is who keeps track of all her flights. But she doesn’t feel like asking questions about that decadent way of life.

CO2 sample Nikkie

As a true CO2 spitter, Nikkie can, of course, be held accountable. To limit global warming to two degrees, we would, according to Environment Central about 1,073 kilos of CO2 per person per year. With one return ticket to Ibiza in her Cessna Citation CJ3, Nikkie is already on an emission level of about 6,300 kilos

Since Nikkie flies from place to place in her private plane, not to mention her private yacht, she is one of the most polluting inhabitants of the Netherlands. It is therefore not surprising that the CO2 emissions of the richest 1 percent of the world more than double it of the emissions of the poorest half of the world’s population.

In short: if Nikkie is a little quiet, the common man has to sacrifice a lot less.

“What a jerk you are!”

However, Nikkie doesn’t feel like asking questions about her polluting lifestyle. When yesterday in RTL Boulevard it was about the long queues at airports, Frank Dane explained to her: “Then it’s nice, Nikkie, if you have your own plane.”

Nikkie didn’t like that: “Oh, you’re such a jerk, aren’t you?”

Frank: “Then you are not bothered by it, are you, by the staff shortages?”

Nikkie: “I’ll take another sip of water. Frank…”

Nikkie’s colleagues can all laugh about her luxurious lifestyle. For those Boulevard stars, preaching about our ecological footprint, a hobby of celebrities, is no longer an option. That is again a stroke of luck.

Privately amazed

Weekblad Privé wrote an article a few weeks ago about Nikkie’s decadent lifestyle. It mainly focuses on her superyacht of about five million euros, on which RTL boss Sven Sauvé and good friend Fred van Leer are only too happy to float on.

A strange purchase, according to the Privé. “That Nikkie and her husband have been tempted to buy a yacht is surprising, because in 2018 she said that she was not so money-driven to deal with that kind of decadence.”

Nikkie then: “A yacht?! Are you crazy! If you see what that pays off… No, that’s really a man’s thing. We women are too smart for that.”


Nikkie in RTL Boulevard:
