Nikki Haley treks mental capacities of Trump in twijfel | Buitenland

In the United States, Nikki Haley is in the loop in the Republic of New Hampshire, with the mental capacities of Donald Trump in two parts. This day will take place in a campaign.

The 77-year-old Trump left Haley today and was confused with Nancy Pelosi, the former Democratic leader of the House of Afgevaardigden. In association with the best storming of the Capitool on January 6, 2021, he had a great deal over Haley, after which Pelosi was sent back.

“I wasn’t there in Washington on January 6th,” said Haley from the neighborhoods in New Hampshire. “De bezorgdheid die ik heb – zonder denigrerend te willen doen – is dat wanneer je het raises over the pressure of the presidentschap, we never know anyone can lift van like we onsfragen of the he mental fit genoeg voor zijn.”


Also in an interview with Fox News speaking of the 52-year-old former governor of South Carolina and American ambassador to the United States over the West. “I don’t know that it’s the same as Joe Biden, so we really want two more talented candidates as presidential candidates?”, Aldus Haley. “Will we really have these names in the 80s, when we want to make a song with Poet in Xi and Kim?”

Donald Trump regularly hits the spot with the Uitschuivers of the 81-year-old Biden. The Republic describes the high-powered Democratic president as quasi-senile.

Trump is the favorite for the Republic’s nomination for the coming president. Afgelopen maandag won hij al gemakkelijk de caucus in Iowa. Haley had the first place, according to the governor of Florida Ron Desantis.

KIJK. What is Nikki Haley like?
