Nieuwe versterkingen langs frontlijn: Oekraïne shakes over op “actieve verdediging” tegen Russian dreiging | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

Across the sea, a 1,000 km long front line has a never-before-seen effect, and now the Oekraïne Grotendeels is overshadowed by “active verdediging”. Loopgraven, emphasized drakentanden and ondergrondse commandocentra moeten de Russians tegenhouden.

Well, Zelensky had a sputtering attack last year when he agreed to strengthen the defense lines of the Oekraine. The anti-defense defense is in full swing around the Lyman town and Avdiivka in Donetsk and around Koepiansk in the Charkiv region. It will also be built in large sizes with Russia and Wit-Russia.

KIJK. Kerkhof van vernielde Russian pantserwagens in Avdiivka

The new versterkingen set to music great gelijkenissen with the three-layered Russian defense lines consisting of mine fields and anti-tank greppels, emphasized three-layered and loopgraven. With the tactics of the Russian team, the Russian offensive was successful.

Drakentanden and prikkeldraad in Koepiansk. © REUTERS

Maar het is helemaal niet de bedoeling van het Oekraïense leger om the front te bevriezen. Enter the concept “active verdediging”. The Oekraïense strijdkrachten must devise vast defense lines in a tegelijkertijd op aen offensive manner blijven strijden – in the hoop zwakke plekken te vinden the can suffer dead and ineenstorting van the Russian lines.

An Oekraïense soldier inspects new loopgraven in the building of Koepiansk.
An Oekraïense soldier inspects new loopgraven in the building of Koepiansk. © REUTERS

The fitness and skills of soldiers can be used for a long time in the loop graves, before the bitter winter months in Oekraïne. The handling of flexible defensive lines puts the Oekraïense Tropen in the state of the training, but he is also worried about this paramount as if he had an offensive opportunity.

An Oekraïense soldier inspects new loopgraven in the building of Koepiansk.
An Oekraïense soldier inspects new loopgraven in the building of Koepiansk. © REUTERS

This was a quick tactic that resulted in the offensive offensive in September 2022, with Kiev having a large part of the ground in the Charkiv region. Het Oekraïens leger will opnieuw op die Mannier kunnen toeslaan.

“Russia and the Ukraine will come again this summer with a massive offensive”

Poet stooks onrust in Baltic states. Is this a threat to invasion? (+)

KIJK OOK. Rats kill soldiers in Oekraïense Loopgraven
