Nieuwe staatsbons are the most popular are Leterme-bon | landlocked

The previous date was bleken dat de new state receipts – in the 3rd year with a pension of 2.6 percent, in the 10th year of the year with a pension of 3 percent – in addition to what significant counts are calculated. After two days, the total amount of the previous gift was higher than the total amount of the previous gift, and the previous year, toen 48.6 million euros were sent with the state receipt.

Well, the state of the table from Ruim is 77.8 million euros. Vooral on the state receipt on the 3rd year written, with a required amount of 63.7 million euros. For the state receipt for the 10th year, the amount due is 14.2 million euros. Inscriptions on the new state receipt can still be dead on the 3rd of March.

Aan the opbrengst van the Leterme-bon toll deze state receipts not raked. In December 2011, prime minister Yves Leterme de Belgen had opgeroepen om staatsbons te kopen. The switch has a record requirement of 5.7 million years op. The most popular bonus, with a looptijd of four years, went to the uitgifte paired with a rent rate of 4 percent.
