Nieuwbouwappartementen in Sint-Truiden moeten after 7 years been broken by houtrot: architect and aannemer responsible

The bewoners of the 26 apartments must have been in July last year in one of the apartments to be clear that the new apartments in the door and door were red and the stability of the building had not been guaranteed for a long time. Het building is opgetrokken in houtmassiefbouw waarvoor CLT-planks zijn bruikt. The layers tijdens de bouwwerken onafgedekt in weer en wind in openlucht, waardoor ze toen al started te rotten. In the years there doken de first broken op, so as leaking ceilings and unstable terraces.

After a long time, a legal expert has come to the conclusion that there are other reasons why the building should be completely broken, reports Het Belang van Limburg. Grandsons of the Trappenhallen and the other two may be able to stay there, the rest of the plans have been opted for. Het building to produce practically onmogelijk en bovendien also veel te duur zijn.

The apartment and the architect, the one coupling in front, is responsible for 2.7 million euros. Of zij datrag ooit zullen can betalen, is voorlopig wel nog een open vraag. The verslag of the legal experts must now be on the right bank, which must be acknowledged.

Beeld Mine Dalemans
