Nieuw-Lekkerland does what Jesus would do

What would Jesus do? In Nieuw-Lekkerland, a village on the Lek to the east of Rotterdam, many residents ask themselves this question when making a difficult decision. In the case of refugees from Ukraine, Jesus would open his door to those in need and receive them hospitably. And so the Ukrainian flag is flying everywhere in the village of more than 9,000 inhabitants. 146 Ukrainians have been received here since the beginning of March, at 49 addresses.

Nieuw-Lekkerland already had a relationship with Ukraine. Every spring since 1998, a bus full of children has arrived from the city of Zhytomir, who spend six weeks in host families in the Alblasserwaard. The stay is organized by the Foundation Christian Children Relief† The children join the families, go to school, there are trips to the zoo, beach and playground.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in late February, it was almost time for the annual visit. A script was already prepared, which had to be adapted into a ‘manual for the reception of refugees’. From the pulpit in the churches of the village, the Nieuw-Lekkerlanders were asked who could help. They came head over heels from Ukraine, already in the first week about fifty people: some children who would come anyway, now with brothers, sisters and mothers. Or adults who once came to Nieuw-Lekkerland as children and who were now on the run with their own children.

foster mother

29-year-old Lisa Karpliuk, who stayed in Nieuw-Lekkerkerk twenty years ago, came from Kiev with her 18-year-old sister Bogdana. They were housed in the same house as Lisa twenty years ago when she came here as a child – her Dutch ‘foster mother’ is now 75. Marina Khrinyuk (35) came with her almost four-year-old son with a friend who had previously lived in New Zealand. Delicious land. They now live with Els and Jan, she says. “They are very sweet.”

Her husband Gerard absolutely wanted to help, says Hennie Prins. They have five children of their own, so they had to give in. Their nine-year-old daughter gave up her room, then there was room for Lesia Zhinevych, an English teacher in Ukraine. And for her two children, daughter Karyna of nineteen and son Artem of thirteen. Gerard went to pick them up in the middle of the night in Amersfoort, where they arrived by train. Lesia’s sister-in-law lives with two children next door. Two houses away is a cousin of Lesia.

Lesia teaches Ukrainian children at the primary school in the village – not just her own English subject, but other subjects as well. And she teaches children in Ukraine via Zoom. Hennie Prins: “So she’s not bored.” Student Karyna wants to get to work as soon as possible. And Artem is having a good time now that he is used to it and has a bicycle.

Also read about refugees who were received in Hillegom: Carina and Sascha did not stay in Hillegom until the war was over

Leen Breedveld is chairman of the Christian Children Relief Foundation, but has been spinning the web of the shelter for a month now. Or rather: man on a bicycle. He cycles from one host family to another all day long. A role that he did not necessarily aspire to, but that came his way. He’s doing well. Anyone who has anything to do with refugee shelter calls Leen.

Even him overwhelmed how selflessly the Nieuw-Lekkerlanders opened their doors to the refugees. He refers to Jesus’ story about the Good Samaritan (from the Gospel of Luke) who did help a victim of violence. But still, you have to do it.

The first cracks

Now that all empty rooms, attics and garden sheds have been filled, the first cracks are also becoming visible. One family received a mother with five daughters in a terraced house. Two weeks later, the father and a son arrived – “both pretty big men,” says Leen Breedveld. That’s tough. Ukrainians are usually very civilized and pleasant people, says Breedveld, who has also stayed in Ukraine several times. “But sometimes someone feels like a guest in your own home after a while.” He says: “As a host family you have to take good care of yourself first, then it will be better to take care of others. You can also see that in the Bible.”

How do you deal with people who are not used to eating dinner together every day at 5:30? And what about if children are still up by ten o’clock? Do you agree when the bathroom is free? “It sometimes chafes because of minor irritations,” he says. “How many sprinkles do you put on your bread?”

Leen Breedveld has fifty beds available if something goes wrong. He has already used it a few times. Housing for the family of eight may soon be available in a neighboring village.

He also consults with the municipality about BSN numbers and for insurance, work and a bank account. The young children attend primary school in the village where they are taught by Ukrainian teachers – who were also among the refugees. The thirty teenagers are in a transition class in Dordrecht.

In the church the adults receive language lessons from volunteers. They are simple sentences that Jacqueline van den Berge practices with them. “Who are you?”, “What day is it today?” Van den Bergen: “It is still difficult. I’m more concerned with radiating a little warmth. I give them a friendly nod to make them feel welcome.”

A Reformed church has made its church available so that Ukrainians can gather there on Sunday afternoon. Leen Breedveld is a key keeper. He opens the door, drinks coffee and closes the door afterwards. “You do what you can,” he says. “That is also what Jesus would do.”

Also read about the shelter in the village of Almen: Almen is waiting for Ukrainian refugees – who haven’t come yet
