Niet alleen long covid bestaat, maar ook ‘long flu’: na griepinfectie zijn eveneens langdurige klachten mogelijk | Wetenschap

He’s always coming from the sea because Covid doesn’t have some virus infections, which can cause death and laughter. Volgens nieuw onderzoek geldt also voor griep and is dan sprake van ‘long flu’, according to analogy with long covid.

A study on Thursday was published in the publication ‘The Lancet Infectious Diseases’ too and the griep virus also had long-lasting effects on the gezondheid.

Patients who met griep in the ziekenhuis were opgenomen, hadden 18 maanden na hun infection een verhoogd risico op aanhoudende longklachten and other gezondheidsproblems, zo wees het onderzoek uit.

Long problems in the mensen the hersteld waren van griep, konden variëren van een hoest the maanden aanhield dead serious kortademigheid veroorzaakt door ontsteking en littekenvorming diep in de longen.

Covid patients had many problems with long-term problems with different organizational systems, which are clear from the study. Grieppatiënten hadden this also, maar kregen vaker te maken blijvende symptoms the specific betrekking hadden op de longen.

“Met de komst van de coronapandemie en de daaruit voortvloeiende uitbraak van gevallen van long covid, most artsen hun ideas about viral infections herzien”, zei author of the study in epidemiology of the Washington University in St. Louis, Ziyad Al-Aly.

Topje van de Ijsberg

“Onze opvatting van deze ziekten as acute beurtenissen waar je mee omgaat en die je vervolgens Achter je laat, is veranderd”, aldus de wetenschapper. “The acute phase is the top of a mountain. If the infections occur, they can also be lifted in the acute phase. We would like to ask you to have a complete herring, and to be in the state of the sport school before you can see it, and to lift the mental shards for a long time.”

Over the entire ontdekten de onderzoekers, the result of Covid-19 was more serious, with higher sterftecijfers, ziekenhuisopnames and needle effects on other organizational systems, then what was associated with the virus.

A thing that the onderzoekers never have and that is hoe breed will be toepasbaar zijn op de algemene population. For the largest number of patients in the onderzoek uit our veterans, they were always opgenomen in the ziekenhuis.

“I think that this will happen to people who want to have something to eat,” says Al-Aly. “What we still don’t know is the result of the results of having to pass the disease on people with mild Covid and mild griep, which can only be avoided.”

Ontdekking van Belgian onderzoekers brengt better treatment of long covid poetbij

Three patients over a long period of time with covid: “Leeg-ge-zieh. Zo voelt dat. Tachtigers steken mij voorbij (+)
