Nicolo Zaniolo after Galatasaray – Kasımpaşa match: I promised my father…

Nicolo Zaniolo, who brought the victory to Galatasaray against Kasımpaşa, made a statement after the match. The Italian star said he gifted the goal he scored to his father.

Here are those words…

Zaniolo: I came to Turkey perhaps in one of the worst periods in its history. There were people who lost their lives. There were people who were homeless. Our pain is still very new.

The jersey number I wear, the goal I scored is for Muhammed Emin. For Muhammed Emin, his family, those who stayed here, those affected by the earthquake and everyone.

I promised my father, tomorrow is his birthday. I wanted this goal to be a gift to him. We have to go on with life.

I want to compliment Kasımpaşa, they are a very good team. We played a good game too. This is my first match, I need to improve myself. As I improve myself, I will come up with better things.
