Nicole van Nicole & Hugo passed away at the age of 76 | Nicole from Nicole & Hugo passed away

BVFlemish singer Nicole Josy, known from the duo Nicole and Hugo, passed away on Thursday. Her manager confirms this to VTM Nieuws. Nicole was 76 years old and had had health problems for some time.

According to her management, Nicole fell and died. “She made a mistake on a small step and fell on her head,” it sounds. “So she did not die from her illness.” Earlier this year it was announced that Nicole was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. “Yesterday I got a feeling that had been dormant in me – or rather in us – a name. The memories in Nicole’s head will fade forever, they will disappear in the mists of the advancing time.” That’s what it sounded like in the epilogue of their book ‘Good morning, tomorrow. Nicole & Hugo: 50 years of inseparability’.

In August 2021, it was also announced that Nicole had again been struck by cancer. “It is obviously very difficult at the moment. But we have to get through this,” it sounded in Het Nieuwsblad at the time. “Nicole is responding very well to the drugs. And luckily she is not in pain,” said Hugo. “This time the cancer is on the bones. To be clear, it’s not bone cancer, it’s breast cancer that has moved to the bones. At the last checkup, the cancer cells had “fallen asleep” as they say. So we hope it stays that way.” It was the third time that Nicole had been struck by cancer, after previous diagnoses in 2005 and 2012.

good morning, tomorrow

Nicole Josy formed a musical duo with her husband, Hugo Sigal for many years. Their best-known hit is undoubtedly ‘Goeiemorgen, morgen’, with which they would participate in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1971. Unfortunately, just before they left for Dublin, Nicole fell ill and had to be rushed to be replaced by Jacques Raymond and Lily Castel. Two years later they were able to go to the Eurovision Song Contest, this time with the song ‘Baby, Baby’. A hit in Flanders, but the couple finished in last place.

In 2014, the couple announced that they would stop performing the following year. “Too bad, but Nicole doesn’t like it anymore”, Hugo said. “She still likes to perform, but the trips, all those phone calls. No, our Colleke has had it with all that hassle. She can’t take that anymore.” Hugo remained active in the showbiz world, without his Nicole. She accompanied her husband everywhere.

In October, the couple said in an interview with Primo that Nicole’s health changed every day. “Sometimes nothing seems to be wrong, but other times her memory completely fails her.” They still had plans for the future. A trip to Saint-Tropez for example, or on a winter sports trip to Seefeld. “We’re going to take advantage as long as we can,” Nicole said at the time.

Watch our latest interview with Nicole and Hugo here


Nicole and Hugo about their unconditional love, despite Alzheimer’s: “We’re going to heaven together”(+)

Hugo Sigal about Nicole’s illness: “Sometimes nothing seems wrong, but then she asks me something three times in a row”
