Nicole and Nico open their hearts to Grigoriy’s family and their two hamsters

Refugees from Ukraine are received throughout West Friesland. One of the first families to arrive is the Moroz family. They fled Kiev and eventually ended up with Nico Klaver and Nicole Schaft, who opened their hearts to them. “I like people, so also people from Ukraine.”

The hamster gets acquainted with a horse from Nicole – NH Nieuws

The feeling is twofold, says Grigoriy. Of course he is happy that he was able to guide his family safely to the Netherlands. Away from the violence, away from the danger. On the other side is the uncertainty about the future. Can they ever return home, back to Kiev? And what do they find? “It’s terrible. And the thought that we may never be able to go back is even more terrible.”

The moment the war in Ukraine starts, Grigoriy decides not to wait any longer. They leave, first to Moldova. They take documents, some clothes and.. the two hamsters of daughters Anna (11) and Maria (5): ‘Chip’ and ‘Dale’. “We actually wanted to leave them behind, but the children put a stop to that. They had to come along.”

Journey of four days

Via Moldavié the family – with wife Elena and mother-in-law Natalia – drives via Romania, Hungary, Austria and Germany to the Netherlands. After a tiring journey of four days, the warmth of Nico Klaver and Nicole Schaft, who make their converted canteen of Sportponyclub Wogmeer available to the Moroz family. Nicole: “First we gave them a little tour, but the grandmother stayed in the car. She was so tired that she couldn’t take a step anymore.”

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The Moroz family, received in Wogmeer – NH Nieuws/Michiel Baas

Grigoriy is not unknown in the region. He has been working for Enza Zaden for 13 years from the Ukraine and through the other side the request for help ends up with Nicole. She doesn’t hesitate. The equipped canteen of the riding school is made available for as long as is necessary. †

“I think it’s important to show that peace cannot be taken for granted”

Nicole Schaft, wogmeer

Nicole: “We are very focused on children at the riding school. A total of about 140 come here. I think it is important to show the children that peace cannot be taken for granted. And that they realize how spoiled we are here. be in the Netherlands.”

Help is immediately underway. “All the children who come here love it. A lot of stuff is collected. More than can fit in the house. And money is collected through the pony club. They can buy groceries for them. just ahead.” Candles are made and sold at Wilgaerden/Leekerweide during an open day. A large part of the proceeds go to the family.

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Candles for refugees – Supplied

As Grigoriy tells his story, a tear rolls down the cheek of his wife, who is sitting next to him. Despite the fresh sadness, the gratitude is great. “When we got here, they even bought us food. And Nicole is trying to arrange school for our children and work for my wife. That’s very special.” The family is now registered with the municipality.

Although developments in his country are unpredictable, Grigoriy dares to look ahead cautiously. Hope is in his voice. “When there is peace again in our country, I hope that I can invite Nico and Nicole one day. So that I can show them how beautiful Ukraine is.”

Grigoriy back to Poland: “I have to do this”

A week after driving through half of Europe, Grogoriy Moroz makes another long car journey. Now to Poland, where he wants to help his compatriots.

“There are still many of my employees in Ukraine. Many of them are on the run, heading west. I think I can do something for them from Poland, for example by arranging sleeping bags, air mattresses and food. Perhaps with the help of the Red Cross. Whether it’s dangerous? Not now, but you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. But I have to do this for my people.”

This is a message from the common West Frisian news editor

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