Nicolás Parreira: How to make money work for you, and not for money

How did the idea of ​​creating financial come about?

I studied Economics at the University of Buenos Aires, I worked in different places to gain experience. Over time I began to question why I was working for money, and why it wasn’t the other way around, it was then that in the midst of a vital discomfort that prompted me to change, I decided make money work for me. With that motto in mind, I began to venture into the world of finance. Over the months, I began to accompany others to enter this world. I learned from each one, and each person I have accompanied has been a valuable source of teaching and a key piece in my evolution as a Financial Advisor.

How to strategically plan our finances?

As everything in life, there are no magic recipes. Efficient financial planning is a work of perseverance and discipline, reYou want continual evaluation and periodic adjustments to ensure that you are making progress toward your desired goals.

As a first measure, we must identify our income and expenses, recording them, then we should analyze the data with our financial advisor, thus detecting patterns and leaks. Based on this, put together a personalized plan according to objectives and our reality.

In my case, the first thing I do is listen to the client; his needs, his beliefs and most of all, your desiresThis determines the course to follow.

Then, a financial plan is prepared, which contemplates not only the present, but also a future projection of income, expenses, savings and investments. Also ensuring that our clients are in a privileged position, even in an inflationary economy, always with an expert eye on them, to maximize their returns and allow them to focus on their core activities.

Once the plan is established, it is put into operation, and it is periodically monitored, evaluating the results, the difficulties that may arise and, where appropriate, making the necessary adjustments.

Do you offer services for companies?

We seek to provide comprehensive advice to our clients, both individuals and organizations. Our focus is to optimize your returns and make the management of your assets and investments more efficient, improving your cashflow and providing effective solutions for managing your funds and resources. We work together to manage your finances, identify the best investment options and act accordingly.

In addition, we provide training and promote financial education throughout the organization, through courses and training sessions, both for the board of directors and for other employees of the company.

You can obtain my services by entering, or else through Instagram you can find me as

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