Nicol Kremers wants SBS 6 to stop victim blaming: ‘Immediately’

Nicol Kremers wants SBS 6, John de Mol’s TV channel, to stop immediately victim blaming. Her lawyer Sébas Diekstra summons the station to no longer broadcast images.

© Wessel de Groot

Even if the police witness the aftermath of a serious assault, as an SBS 6 star you can rest assured that the big boss John de Mol will keep your hand above your head. What is it called at Talpa when you beat your loved one black and blue, but there is no conviction yet? A ‘private matter’. Many people have a bad aftertaste.

Eye for Nicol

It is especially annoying that John and his directors are absolutely not holding back when it comes to Peter Gillis. The new season of his program Massa is Kassa was recently announced with much fanfare: an entire PR campaign was set up to present his new girlfriend. Evert Santegoeds also allowed himself to be used for this.

But do they even have an eye for Nicol Kremers, Peter’s ex-girlfriend who has reported ten assaults by Peter? Evert apparently not, because he recently started to suspect all her lawyer, and with that Nicol herself. But you can expect a more professional attitude from a channel like SBS 6, right?

Same dress size

However, SBS 6 does not shy away from still performing Nicol in the program, namely through old fragments – just last week – or through witty comments by voice-over Frank Lammers.

Former SBS boss Tina Nijkamp was also disturbed by that. In Veronica Superguide: “The question is whether some texts will still fit in 2023. For example, I recently heard Frank Lammers say about Peter’s new girlfriend: ‘Hopefully she has the same dress size as the previous lady, because that would save a lot of money.'”

Broadcast ban

This is simply no longer possible, says her lawyer Sébas Diekstra. He summons Talpa to take all episodes with Nicol offline and not to perform her again. “As a victim, she is portrayed in a negative way in the various episodes, which (turn out to) only have entertainment value,” he says in the AD.

He continues: “This can hardly be seen as anything other than as victim blaming. Her honor and good name are also tarnished by several comments. Nicol is regularly portrayed as a golddigger and people often laugh and joke about her, she is very often referred to negatively or portrayed.”

From the tube?

It seems that SBS 6 is getting a bit hot underfoot now that the criticism of hugging Peter is swelling. His current series runs until July 11 and, a spokesperson recently said: “We will only make a decision about a possible continuation of the series after the judge’s ruling.”

According to Tina, this simply means that Peter is going off the tube for the time being. “The verdict is mid-September at the earliest, but probably months later. If they decide to continue anyway, they will only start operating from mid-September or October. So early 2024 on TV at the earliest. This fall, so NOT on TV ANYWAY.”
