Nick Cave, son Jethro Lazenby dies

T.adorns the pain in the life of Nick Cave. The singer-songwriter lost his son Jethro: model, he was only 31 years old. For him a tragedy that repeats itself: in 2015, in fact, he had lost another son, Arthur, who fell off a cliff in Brighton when he was only 15 years old.

Farewell to Jethro Lazenby

Nick Cave (AP)

With great sadness we confirm that my son Jethro is dead. We are grateful for the respect of privacy at this time ”reports an official note released by the family with which the boy’s death was announced. Cause of death was not disclosed.

Jethro, a short and difficult life

Born in Melbourne in 1991 from the relationship between the singer-songwriter and Beau Lazenby, Jethro only met his father when he was eight. At that time, in fact, the artist’s first wife, Viviane Carneiro, was also pregnant. Who gave birth to Luke a few days after Jethro was born. A life not simple that of Jethro, marked by schizophrenia, substance abuse and prison.

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Fashion and violence

Moved from Australia to England, he started modeling for big fashion brands such as Balenciaga and Versace. But the problems with schizophrenia give him no respite. In 2018 he was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend. He was recently arrested for assaulting his mother.

The relationship between Nick Cave and his son Jethro

It was a tough time, but in the end it turned out to be great»Nick told a reporter in 2008 about his relationship with his son Jethro. He the son of whom he lost his childhood but with whom he then wanted to recover a relationship.

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To my eternal regret, I didn’t have much contact with Jethro in the early years, but now I have a very good relationship with him.He said, according to reports from the Guardian. A relationship that lasted too short.

