Nice! This is why this vmbo school is the best in South Holland

There is nothing more fun than winning a competition, especially if you become the best in South Holland! It is the well-known vmbo school in The Hague Francois Vatel succeeded: “We are now officially the vocational school in the region.”

Every year Francois Vatel takes part in the Talent SKILLS competitions. Only pre-vocational secondary education students who excel in the direction they have chosen will participate. For Francois Vatel, these were students from the courses Media, Design and ICT (MVI) and Horeca, Bakery and Recreation (HBR).

Number one

Last week the time had come: the regional finals finally started. Marco van Wijngaarden, location director of Francois Vatel, explains: “The assignment for the MVI students was to put together an interactive mock up app (a mock-up is basically a working example of the app to show how the app works) for a sneaker store. Including all the associated logistics.

The assignment contained a number of challenges that the students had to solve themselves, using their own creativity. They did a great job and that’s why they became number one!”

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Photo: Francois Vatel

Target achieved

But the catering students also excelled in the final. Marco: “For the HBR course, the students received a number of ingredients shortly in advance with which they had to put together a three-course menu. Here too, an appeal was made to creativity, knowledge and skills. The presentations of the students were also great, this one was also won. I am super proud of them.”

By winning the competition, Marco and his colleagues have achieved their goal. “Three years ago, when the new school plan was launched, Francois Vatel’s team of teachers agreed that we want to be the vocational school in the region of The Hague for MVI and HBR. Everyone has worked hard on this and the students have delivered on it beautifully. We now move on to the national final on March 31, in the Jaarbeurs Utrecht. We’re going for it!”

Curious about what François Vatel has to offer in terms of training? take a look on the website or get in touch
