Nice reintroduces compulsory masks on public transport

NICE (dpa-AFX) – The southern French coastal metropolis of Nice is reintroducing a mask requirement in local public transport in view of the increasing corona numbers. The regulation for buses and trams should come into force again on Monday, Mayor Christian Estrosi announced on Wednesday on RTL. The 340,000-inhabitant city on the French Riviera is also popular as a vacation spot. The French government currently recommends wearing a mask on public transport, but there is no obligation.

In France, too, the number of new infections registered with the corona virus has been increasing again for a few weeks. The seven-day incidence – i.e. the number of confirmed new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within one week – was 1141 nationwide. The value rose by more than 50 percent within a week./rbo/DP/stk
