Nibali’s birthday today: today he turns 38 on the day of champions

November 14 is very special for cycling. Not only the Sicilian: the Frenchman celebrates 68 years, the Parma man 87. Boifava (76) and the Japanese legend of the Nakano slope (67) were also born today.

There is no such day. And it is not known for what astrological reason, for what astral or human coincidence, today November 14 great champions who have marked the history of world cycling were born.

The youngest is Vincenzo Nibali, 38, the most successful Italian since Gimondi: two Giri d’Italia (2013 and 2016), a Tour de France (2014), a Vuelta (2010), and then the Milan-Sanremo 2018 and two Tours of Lombardy (2015 and 2017). He has just stopped racing to immediately throw himself into the new role of technical super consultant of the Swiss Professional team (with an Italian soul) Q36.5. He is still the last Italian to have won the Giro d’Italia, in 2016, and the Tour de France (2014).

The eldest it is Vittorio Adorni, who turns 85 today, splendidly worn. Professional from 1961 to 1970, he won the 1965 Giro d’Italia and the 1968 Imola World Championship. He took hands in professionalism both Felice Gimondi (at Salvarani) from 1964 to 1966, and Eddy Merckx (at Faema) in 1968. ” The most beautiful squad after Coppi “, as Adorni was defined in the Gazzetta by Bruno Raschi after his victory at the 1965 Giro, was the first television champion, chosen by Sergio Zavoli as a special envoy in the race to interview the other riders, permanent protagonist of the Process alla Tappa and presenter of TV programs such as “Ciao mamma”. Adorni was president of professional cycling at the UCI, the world federation, and is ambassador of the Giro d’Italia.

The most successful it is Breton Bernard Hinault, who turns 68 today. After Coppi and Merckx he is considered the strongest ever. Road professional from 1975 to 1986, he won 3 Tours of Italy (1980, 1982 and 1985) in as many participations; 5 Tour de France (1978, 1979, 1981, 1982 and 1985) and two Vuelta a España (1978 and 1983). Together with Contador, he is the only cyclist in history to have won all three races at least twice. World champion in Sallanches 1980, he also conquered Paris-Roubaix 1981, two Liege-Bastogne-Liege (1977 and 1980) and two Tours of Lombardy (1979 and 1984).

The fastest turns 67 today: he is the Japanese Koichi Nakano, legend of the track. Keirin and Speed ​​specialist, he was able to win 10 World Speed ​​Championships from 1977 to 1986.

The most experienced is Davide Boifava, from Brescia from Nuvolento, who turns 76 years old. Professional from 1969 to 1978, he won two stages in the Giro d’Italia, and then for thirty years he was the sporting director of professional teams: we remember him above all at Inoxpran and Carrera, with champions such as Battaglin, Roche, Visentini, Chiappucci and above all Marco Pantani, who launched in professionalism in 1992. He won the Giro and the Vuelta in 1981 with Battaglin, the 1986 Giro with Visentini and the 1987 Giro with Roche, the Tour de France and the 1987 World Championship with Roche; Pantani took him to second place in the 1994 Giro and third in the 1994 Tour.
