NH Radio DJ Ferdi Bolland calls on colleagues to play protest songs

Ferdi Bolland, DJ and presenter of the NH Radio program the Gouden Hits Museum, has called on his fellow DJs to devote their programs to protest songs. He will also do this on Saturday in his own program on NH Radio. In this way he wants to protest against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he explains tonight in rush hour.

“The world is in shock, nobody expected this,” he told NH Radio. Bolland wanted to express his emotion in a concrete action. “Then I thought, what resources do we have? We have programs, we can play music!” There is a positive response to that call, there are many media that pay attention to the action.

A program can easily be filled with protest songs, because there are many. “That shows that war is of all times. All the big names in the music world have once made a protest song.” Last Saturday the DJ already played the song ‘Russians’ by Sting. “That was back then during the Cold War, ‘I hope the Russians love their children too’.”

Blowing in the wind

Bolland also knows which song is the mother of all protest songs for him: “Blowing in the wind by Bob Dylan, the ancestor of the protest singers. He has captured his horror of war in several songs.”
