NH Radio breaks ties with Johan Derksen and removes radio program from the air

NH Radio breaks ties with presenter Johan Derksen. This was decided after the recent statements by Johan Derksen, in which he confessed to having abused an unconscious woman in the past. The well-known presenter could be heard on NH Radio with the music program ‘Music for adults’, which can no longer be heard immediately.

Johan Derksen has been under fire for his statements in recent days. Also laughing away at the comments of the presenter by other table guests of Today Inside last Tuesday is reprehensible for many people.

Unacceptable behavior

NH Radio rejects the cross-border behavior of the well-known presenter and football expert.

“We can no longer separate his statements, which are very sensitive, extremely misogynistic and derogatory and which are also made in a laughing atmosphere, from the person who presents a program with us every week,” according to the editorial board.

Other broadcasters

NH Radio is not the only station to stop Johan Derksen’s radio program: Omroep West and RTV Rijnmond are also breaking ties with the presenter. RTV Drenthe is still considering the matter.

Johan Derksen presented his music program for several years on the various regional channels. The presenter played CDs from his own closet and tried to introduce the listeners to music that they usually never heard on the radio.
