NFL: The Dallas Cowboys want success in the playoffs again

Status: 12/28/2022 12:32 p.m

In the last 25 years, the Dallas Cowboys have won exactly three playoff games in the NFL. “America’s Team” wants to change that this year – and has very good chances.

When the business magazine “Forbes” publishes its annual list of the financially most valuable sports clubs, they are there Dallas Cowboys always in first place since 2016. Eight billion US dollars is the value that the experts estimate the value of cowboys estimate in 2022.

The Dallas Cowboys are valuable like no other NFL team

The most recent price that the new owners paid for the Denver Broncos paid: 4.65 billion dollars cost them Broncos in summer. Incidentally, the first football club in the list of the most valuable sports clubs in 2022 was Real Madrid, which was ranked 13th with around five billion dollars.

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The fact that the cowboys are so valuable is also and above all due to their large fan base, the corresponding media presence, advertising revenue and everything that is linked to this great popularity. “America’s Team” will the franchise also called – and that, although strictly speaking, many football fans in the USA cowboys not even treat the black under the fingernails.

“America’s Team” thanks to a successful era into the 90s

So the nickname doesn’t come from the fact that so many Americans support Dallas – even if they do cowboys among the NFLfranchises For example, have the second most Instagram followers. Rather, the nickname comes from the fact that the Cowboys were so often seen in the playoffs and thus also on national television in the 1970s due to their great sporting success that almost every fan knew the faces of the players.

Incidentally, the sporting success era lasted, with a brief interruption, until the 1990s. They have five Super Bowl victories and three other Super Bowl appearances cowboys between 1970 and 1995 on her account. only the New England Patriots were often in the final for the “World Championship” as the Americans confidently call their national championship title.

Dry spell since 1995

Back to the present: Of course players are like Quarterback Dak Prescott, wide receiver CeeDee Lamb or the dominant Defensive player Micah Parsons always very well known like their prominent predecessors, but since the last Super Bowl success in 1995, the cowboys won exactly four playoff games, lost eleven and died in 15 seasons postseason not reached at all. Not enough for such a prestigious, self-confident and spoiled by success franchise – also finds team owner Jerry Jones, who has owned the team since 1989.

There are at least faint rumors that Jones is his Head coach Mike McCarthy could be fired after this season if the Cowboys don’t start regaining their momentum in the playoffs. This is McCarthy’s third season, having played in round one of last year’s playoffs against the San Francisco 49ers Final destination.

Victory over Philadelphia Eagles

At least reaching the postseason has Dallas already secured two games before the end of the regular season. Prescott and Co. have eleven wins and four defeats. Most recently, there was a success over the Philly Eagles, the one in the NFC, i.e. the one of two conferences in the NFL, even before the 49ersthe Minnesota Vikings and Dallas themselves are arguably the hottest title contender. For the sake of completeness: The Eagles played in the game with theirs due to injury backup quarterback.

Thanks to the success, there is now even first place in the NFC for Dallas at least theoretically still possible. That would mean a bye in the first round of the playoffs. Even if that will probably no longer be achieved: A good final placement in the NFC is still important. After all, for example, the second-best NFC team plays the Regular season in the first round against the seventh best – i.e. the supposedly weakest playoff opponent.

Aggressive defense, good offense – but little consistency

Sporty they have cowboys this season proved they have the potential to beat any opponent. The aggressive defense has provoked more ball losses than any other this season – the opponents gave the ball to the 30 times Cowboys Defense away. The offensive is also able to overheat and roll over opponents at any time.

In a single playoff game, the cowboys accordingly able to beat even the best teams in the NFL – but the problem is the consistency: there were only rarely several convincing performances in a row. But it will need it over the coming years, if Dallas tie back to old epochs of success and the title “America’s Team” wants to give new sporty shine.
