Next week there is a good chance of frost, wet snow and freezing weather

The Netherlands will have to deal with ‘fairly cold’ weather next week, reports Weeronline. “The chance of frost at night increases to 50 to 80 percent in the center and east of the country,” says meteorologist Jaco van Wezel.

It is still very uncertain how cold it will be exactly. “This depends on the amount of cloud cover. In a clear scenario, temperatures could even drop towards -5 degrees. If there is a lot of cloud, it will hardly freeze. During the day it gets cold with maximum temperatures below 5 degrees,” says Van Wezel. Normally it is 8 degrees during the day at the end of November.

It will still be particularly mild on Thursday, but that will be the last time for a while. From Friday a chilly wind will blow through the Netherlands. A rain area then moves from north to south across the country. After the rain zone, fresher air flows into our country and the wind picks up considerably. Showers from the North Sea will also pass over our country from Thursday evening to Sunday, with a risk of hail. “The first snowflakes of the season may also be spotted here and there,” says Van Wezel. The wind from the northwest makes it feel extra cold. The perceived temperature is 1 to 2 degrees above zero.


The precipitation zones will probably mainly produce freezing rain. Sometimes it also comes to wet snow and if it snows a little harder, a local white landscape in the higher parts of the country is not excluded. “The snow will not just stay there, because the temperature of the ground is still 8 to 10 degrees and then it will melt away quickly. But the higher sandy soils such as the Veluwe and the Limburg hills are often slightly colder and also cool down faster. So if snow remains, it is often there first,” says Van Wezel.
