Next: The Day After… I Totally Messed Up My Hair

Jessica (42): “Of course I later told my husband what I had done, but at the time I didn’t feel like it. Also because I was too ashamed. He had to laugh heartily about it. At first I was relieved every time I looked in the mirror, although I didn’t think the color turned out quite right. If you paint it dark, you quickly get a helmet like that.”

Christien JansenGetty ImagesAugust 3, 20229:00 am

Curious what preceded this? You can read that here.

“In addition, my hair was quite damaged by all the paint, it broke off just looking at it. That burning sensation was thankfully over a day later. But a few days later, when I ran my fingertips over my scalp, I still felt some small scabs here and there. The skin was really burned off in some places, and not only that… I often wore my hair in a tight ponytail at the back of my neck and in backlight I saw all kinds of short hairs sticking up, no face. After much deliberation, I decided to rigorously have the scissors put in by a good hairdresser. I did use my savings for that.

New hair

When I told my story to that hairdresser, he was genuinely amazed at what the other hairdresser had done. He would have just put a dark rinse over it, he said. Less taxing on my hair and my wallet. Then he got to work on my long hair, which I was always so proud of. I thought it was terrifying, but the condition had deteriorated so much, it had to be. And hey, I could always grow it back. But already during the cutting I saw that it became very nice. I got a kind of long lock, the rest was cut in layers and everything was blow-dried straight and I got a few highlights. When he was done and I looked in the mirror, I immediately fell in love with my new hair. An outright hit, I’ve never received so many compliments.”

August 3, 2022
