Next stop Barcelona: Wolfsburg is in the CL semifinals, football | Champions League – NDR – Regional

The women from Lower Saxony celebrated a deserved success in front of more than 10,000 fans. Coach Tommy Stroot’s team has now gone 15 games unbeaten in all competitions. For the first time in eight years, the VfL women played in the arena again due to the increased demand for tickets. Against defending champions Barcelona, ​​the backdrop should be even bigger on April 30th. Before that, however, the first leg in Catalonia is scheduled for April 23.

For the women of VfL Wolfsburg, after the success against Arsenal, things are already challenging at the weekend: On Sunday (April 3, 2022) there will be a summit meeting in the Bundesliga against FC Bayern Munich.

Joord quickly puts Wolfsburg ahead

The fast, technically strong Polish international Ewa Pajor was surprisingly back in the VfL squad against the Londoners – for the first time after her knee operation in October. She took a seat on the substitutes’ bench.

From there, she saw a very engaged start from her teammates on the pitch. These put a lot of pressure and immediately constricted the guests in their own half. And the big effort paid off early on: after a corner kick from the right, Sveindis Jonsdottir passed the ball on in the turmoil. Jill Roord from the Netherlands, who switched from opponents to VfL last summer, reacted quickly and put the ball over the goal line to make it 1-0 for the “wolves” (9th).

Just nine minutes later, the Stroot team celebrated again. However, too early. Tabea Waßmuth’s goal, who had already scored in the first leg, was disallowed by video evidence.

The Wolfsburg women remained clearly decisive in the further course of the first half. However, given further good chances for Jonsdottir (34′) and Svenja Huth (36′), they failed to go into the break more clearly than 1-0.

Own goal gives Wolfsburg a 2-0 lead

Encouraged by their captain Kim Little, Arsenal became more dangerous after just under an hour of play. After a mistake by VfL goalkeeper Almuth Schult, Vivianne Mediema had a good chance to equalize. Her shot landed on the side netting (60′). It was like a wake-up call for the VfL women. They then did more offensively again – and that was rewarded: A cross from Jonsdottir from the left wing promoted Leah Williamson to make it 2-0 for Wolfsburg into his own goal (73rd).

Now Arsenal needed two goals to reach extra time. The guests almost scored the first of these immediately. However, Miedema headed the ball to the crossbar and the subsequent header from Williamson was deflected by Schult with a powerful save to the post (75′).

The hosts were very lucky that Schult’s late save against Nikita Parris (88th) was not punished with a penalty. The scene was even checked via video evidence – surprisingly, the decision remained the same: no penalty! A little later the final whistle sounded. It was the starting signal for the Wolfsburg celebrations.

Source: NDR
