Next school year also in Vlaanderen meivakantie in plaats van paasvakantie? “Vlaamse leerkrachten zijn daar geen front stander van” | Onderwijs

In 2021, the Franstalige community will be responsible for organizing the 2022 school vacancies. Zo is the summer holiday with two weeks announced and the first crocus holiday with a week will be extended. The paasvakantie is no longer linked to a pasen maar will be given to me.

Van den Eynde thinks that there has never been a meeting with the agenda of the Vlaamse government. “The biggest talk there is that de leerkrachten in Vlaanderen daar geen voorstander van zijn”, says ze in the upcoming political week at HLN Live. In the previous year, there was a request for 5,000 leden van de Christelijke Onderwijscentrale COC nog dat four op de vijf leerkrachten géén kortere zomervakantie will. “Zij vinden dat the longer zomervacation nodig is om tot rust te komen”, duidt de politiek journaliste.

Pedagogues really go bankrupt as long as there is no longer a vacation period, because a long vacation period will suffer to no end to the students in Leerlingen. “Children that speak of the Netherlands in a certain number of days are considered eight weeks in the eighth position,” Van den Eynde explains. “Maar I don’t think that he’ll come from there, I don’t think that he’ll come in the next regering.”
