News | VIDEO | The unusual response of an Argentine living in the Ukraine: “Look, I used to live in Lanús…”

Alexander Herlan He is an Argentine who is dating a Ukrainian and lives in the Ukraine. throughout the morning they called him from different media to talk about Russia’s invasion of that country. What the driver never imagined TL9 at Noon, Esteban Mirol, was the response of his interviewee when he asked him if he was afraid to go out into the street and a Russian missile would fall: “Look, I’m from Lanus. I used to come home every night, so I’m not so afraid of a missile “said the interviewee gracefully.

But it did not stop there. The driver, surprised at the answer, insisted: “Do you mean to say that you are prepared for everything? “If you are from Lanus, Yes. I came back at night, at 3 in the morning and had to walk 4 blocks. Now that’s scary,” Herald responded immediately.

Look at the incredible response:

Earlier, the young man had been interviewed by Chiche Gelblung in Cronica TV and he had said that in Ukraine it is prohibited by law to demonstrate against the war and that those who did so would be imprisoned. “They recommend not sending messages or uploading things on networks speaking against the conflict because they put you in jail,” he said.

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