News | venice red shocking

★★★★★ Impossible to know why this Argentine title (it’s good that Qubit keeps it: it’s how the film is known) for Don’t Look Now (“Don’t look now”) one of the great psychological horror movies. Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland are a married couple who have lost their little daughter. To try to cope with the duel, they travel to Venice but there, let’s say, things happen: mysterious apparitions, strange events, everything that can trigger fear. Roeg makes his film a kind of labyrinth, but not one without meaning: the thread that guides the actions is the state of sadness, anguish and anxiety of these two parents who must bear the worst thing that can happen to a person. Roeg -a master of photography- manages to ensure that his editing and staging, guided by fragmentary emotions, not only generate the necessary horror that the genre requires, but something else: writing literature with the weapons of cinema.

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