News | Uriel Goldstein

Uriel, what is your academic background?

I am a Journalist and Professional Ontological Coach certified by the ICF (International Coaching Federation), I did a postgraduate degree in Executive Coaching and another in Educational Coaching.

I specialize both in providing coaching for entrepreneurs, and in giving classes, courses and workshops.

What is Ontological Coaching?

Ontological Coaching is a discipline that allows us to broaden our view of our world. It helps us interpret human beings, their interactions, their behaviors so that they can achieve the goals they set for themselves, both for themselves and for their professional projects.

The Coach accompanies on this path helping to distinguish the obstacles and the strengths of his client to reach those objectives.

We perform by asking questions that help to rethink reality, questions that the client does not dare to ask or that, being engrossed in his world, does not even realize that there is another way of perceiving it.

What is your Open Coaching project about?

I created it looking for a new look at coaching, with the mission of spreading it, lowering it to the plain, demystifying beliefs, being able to share and accompany people to overcome internal and external obstacles. Coaching in learning, recognizing oneself from a new perspective.

What are the courses and workshops you offer?

The courses and workshops are aimed at anyone who wants to incorporate the same concepts with which we Coaches are trained and who can learn to distinguish the reality they already know, from a new perspective that opens up possibilities for them, that allows them to constantly grow and transform. .

In this way they can know the way to achieve transformational learning, to have effective conversations, give greater value and quality to their relationships and obtain the results that are proposed in their day to day.

The courses usually last one or two months, with one class per week, they cover many topics and we work on specific things that the students bring.

The workshops last 2 or 3 hours in order to expose a specific topic such as “Communicate effectively”, “Manage emotions and moods”, Responsible Version”, among others.

What topics do you address in your project Coaching for entrepreneurs?

Coaching for entrepreneurs was born as a personal need, since I am an entrepreneur and I consider some Coaching concepts and tools very valuable to accompany the entrepreneur, in a process that can be very mobilizing.

Entrepreneurs usually have the help of many professionals to solve external issues such as sales, marketing, logistics, etc., but in all cases the great forgotten is the person who must carry out all these actions, we coach people, not problems. I accompany them to work internally to make all this gear work and not be paralyzed by fears, insecurities, mistrust and other situations that do not allow us to move forward and since we do not investigate them they are still there and sooner or later those sticks appear in the wheel.

Contact information:


WhatsApp: +54 911 41743412

Mail: [email protected]


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