News | Uncharted: off the map

★★★1/ 2 Uncharted is based on a series of realistic videogames where it’s all about moving from danger to danger and finding treasure. End. End? Uncharted belongs to that generation of VGs that are inspired by the manners and sophistication of cinema. Making a movie is a bit of twisting the loop, taking the story from the interactive mechanics. This is where the director Ruben Fleischer appears, with lights and shadows, above all a humorist (Zombieland, the first Venom) whose style consists of taking the characters more or less seriously and not taking the world seriously. . Here is a map, a hero who lost his brother, a huge treasure, a friendship, and a villain. And many action scenes, although the great digital display (paradoxically given the visual material) is less than in other similar products. There is not much more to it, but it is enough for us to feel that we did not lose two hours.

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