What is biological decoding?
Decoding is a science that seeks to clearly translate a stored message, encrypted in our subconscious. Something codified is something not said, and everything that one does not say, does not express, is printed on the body. The symptoms, signs, arise as a survival mechanism, when the human being is experiencing stress and cannot find a satisfactory solution in a reasonable time, it opens the way for the brain to solve the situation by executing its biological programs, which are intelligently designed from nature for that need. Not being able to solve it, the demanding solution is the disease, the supplementary and winning way found by the brain to supply that unsatisfied need that may be due to “lack or excess”. Our biological body and brain are our allies in this life, they will always give us an answer when for us there seems to be no solution in this regard.
When there is no external solution to that need, there is an internal solution.
How did you get involved with biological decoding?
From a very young age I was an eternal seeker of understanding, from the intellectual and the spiritual, I sought to understand the “What was behind the painful events? What was life really about?” Four years ago the answer came to me with a family event that led me to investigate endless therapies, scientific studies on how much relationship there was between our experiences and what the physical body expressed. Since then I have not stopped improving myself in the development of therapies for the well-being of the human being in all its aspects.
What is this therapy for?
Biological decoding is a path that leads you not only to understand the language of your physical body, but also to understand that everything you have experienced up to now in terms of negative stress is nothing more than a mere projection of shocking situations experienced. in your early childhood, that you have not yet been able to resolve and that keep repeating itself until one day you decide to become aware of what is happening to you, what is beyond this that is happening?
Identifying what has been codified in a subtle and symbolic way in your subconscious, in the session the consultant manifests an emotional abreaction, he realizes the relationship that exists between what is happening today and the relationship he has with an event lived in his life. early childhood. There it opens the way to the solution of stress, we understand from that moment that there is no longer a need for the physical body to continue manifesting itself in that way.
Is there a relationship between our current stresses and our ancestors?
What is transmitted through genes is information, a gene mutates based on the information it contains, that is, the gene is not the cause but the consequence. It is the information that is as a genetic load and in that information are all the unresolved conflicts of our parents, of our ancestors, that is, of that transgenerational. All of this operates in a very subtle way and we all carry these memories and programming. What happens is that we do not realize it and we believe that it is essentially us, but in most cases it is not us.
Contact details.
Cell: +5492214974424
Mail: [email protected]
Instagram: _Anidesco
Twitter: @Anidesco
Youtube: Ani desco
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