News | the night agent

★★★1/2 One of the most repeated reflections regarding new series is “it’s a cliché, it’s kind of silly, but how I got hooked”. Applies to this spy cop with an FBI agent and a beautiful computer security expert, one a protector and the other a prisoner, who face countless conspiracies and dangers. There is nothing in this combination of Bourne, 24 and a thousand other things that we have not seen before; there are none of those unforgettable performances that allow us to remember gestures and words. Nothing of that. What there is is a very effective narrative management, a constant interest in moving from one sequence to the next and from one episode to the next. It is in these elements that the “addictiveness” lies -a bit to regulation, let’s say everything- that this series generates. That and the production values, the unfolding of a world that seems to actually exist. Perhaps this is the secret that something too ordinary becomes interesting, but that is our problem.

For the rest, that equanimity that we mentioned is in the film not only because of its historical accuracy, but also because it does not deny the Zulus reason or intelligence (for those who believe that all past cinema was racist: morality was not born yesterday, millennials). . And by the way, Michael Caine teaching as a young man, which adds a few points to this spectacular film.

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