News | the kingdom II

★ It is idle to talk about the ideological or political intentions of a work. To discuss them, it is necessary that such a work be, if not good, at least convincing. This second season of The Kingdom has a very serious flaw: a hasty invoice made on weak writing. Beyond the oiled production relations that allow filming in the Congress, the Casa Rosada or the Quinta de Olivos -it is not the purpose of this review to analyze it, but it is worth pointing out-, beyond the fact that the actors are not to blame you’re welcome (the decision of what and how they do what they do does not belong to them), the great problem of this story that mixes an invisible power (surely “Yankee” given the English voice of a man who gives instructions at the end), a messianic leader with his own Triple A, a crazy villain, sexual abuse, a martyr for the poor and absurd elements such as a room upholstered with obviously false screens, is that its hasty realization makes it impossible to believe what it says. And it is not a question of whether it is fiction or not: or do we not believe in Darth Vader?

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