News | The Gronholm method

★★★★ In the field of human resources, companies have different techniques to assess the suitability of applicants for a job. In addition to the presentation of the usual curriculum, there are personal interviews, tests that must be solved in a certain time and, also, the fearsome Grönholm method. This system requires a prior selection of candidates who must complete, through unconventional methodologies, a final round of tests that assess personality and the ability to fit into a team. Usually, this procedure is used to select candidates for managerial or senior positions.

Spanish playwright Jordi Galceran (1964)as a result of a real event that occurred in a wastebasket in Barcelona, ​​he imagined his piece “The Gronholm Method” in which four applicants for the position of Commercial Director of the fictitious Swiss company DekiaThey meet in a final match. Premiered here in 2006, directed by Daniel Veronese, it was a great success on the Buenos Aires billboard for three seasons.

The plot unfolds in a minimalist meeting room. Over there Fernando Porta (Benjamin Vicuna), is presented to his fourth and final attempt. In the spacious hall she meets the eager Enrique Font (Rafael Ferro), the attractive Mercedes Degás (Laura Fernández) and the dapper Carlos Bueno (Julián Cabrera). As soon as the first slogan is launched, what begins as a comedy step will transform into a fierce battle for survival. Of the four present, who is actually a member of the personnel department?

Obviously it is not convenient to reveal how the events that lead to the surprising ending continue. We will only say that the law of the jungle will be fundamental at the time of the outcome, because the strongest will survive and the one who shows the least empathy with his peers.

Cyrus Zorzoli, From the direction, he pulls the strings of a seamless cast with enormous skill, bringing out the best in each performer. Vicuña shines in his role as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, Fernández goes from safe manipulation to anxiety, Ferro adds nuances to his sibylline character and Cabrera is a revelation by alternating moments of comedy with a moving testimony of life.

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